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Content That Drives SEO Performance

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We are here to help with the planning, creation and implementation of content to improve your SEO performance. 

Without SEO input, content can be created blindly and not drive the results you want. Our content process has been built up over 20+ years of experience of working within content marketing in the UK and the Nordics. 

A large area that is missing with content is the evaluation of how content then performs and that is where our SEO dashboards come into play as we evaluate every piece of content created against a shared list of KPIs.

Some of the best SEO performance uplifts we have experienced has come from actually removing content that does not perform and bloats the website – we turn over every stone.

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Our Content Marketing Process

1. Keyword Research

Through our in-depth keyword research process, we are able to uncover content topics that help build your SEO presence.

2. Content Hub Mapping

Mapping each content topic to build topical relevancy for your business in all product or offering areas results in our prioritisation.

3. Content Calendar

Success comes from content production being aligned to both resource available and seasonality. Timing is key.

4. Content Production

Write for your existing and future customers, not search engines. We work with you to ensure your content receives eyeballs.

5. Implementation & Linking

Each topic through content hub mapping is provided with suggested internal linking and guidance on where to place the content.

6. Outreach & Syndication

Naturally great content receives acknowledgement from external websites and we are here to help amplify that.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best time to invest into content marketing was years ago, the second best time is now.

Read our content marketing FAQs and get in touch with any additional questions.

Content marketing is when content is created with the intention of being distributed to a wider audience. It is typically found on your own website and then syndicated to other publishers for their readers to enjoy. To achieve this, we need a deep understanding of your consumers and what they like to read online.

We can produce everything from written text for your website (category/product content and blog articles/guides) to visual content. The format is usually decided once the idea has been chosen.

Content costs vary from project to project. We use our trusted freelance network and include our SEO guidance within the production cost to ensure the content does what it was designed to achieve.

Through our SEO process, we identify how key content is to the success of the website. From there, through good organisation and creation – content will achieve success at a quick rate.

For content production as of today, we operate on a case-by-case basis. This means it is on a project basis and you are not required to sign up to any retainer based agreements.

Typically our clients have in-house content resource and in this case, we work with them to evaluate existing content, what is missing and how to prioritise that plan. It is an iterative process that can form a large part of our efforts. For clients who do not have in-house resource, we use our trusted freelance network who you are able to meet and educate about your business, tone of voice etc. Then we employ the same theory as if they are in-house content producers.

Don't just take our word for it!